Energy Storage Analytics - Outsourced with GridMAP

Energy Storage Decisions Made Easy

Understanding the benefits of investing in energy storage is complex.

The reason for this is quite simple - the multitude of factors that determine when & how to manage energy storage to meet your energy requirements and to optimise the financial returns are quite diverse, including (but not limited to):

  • the constant changing of on-site demand

  • fluctuating on-site generation

  • changing price indicators / tariffs

  • Grid connection & export limits

  • physical storage degradation & other limiting factors

  • the chosen financing structures

  • market interactions

Outsourced Energy Storage Analytics

Given this complex mix of different signals & constraints, unless you have your own storage expert internally, you’ll need a trusted analytics partner to help you model & determine the optimal decision for your site(s).

This is where Argand & GridMAP ( come to the rescue and provide an automated way of communicating the optimal investment decisions in energy storage both behind & in-front-of-the-meter.

A short film that takes you on a tour of Argand Solutions GridMAP application which helps to model & optimise renewables and storage projects.

With a software-based option to create and model your own projects and a pricing structure that makes this highly affordable ( you’ll get results in minutes.

Our pricing allows you get affordable results from each project and utilise our analytics team if you need to outsource the creation of projects.

Our pricing allows you get affordable results from each project and utilise our analytics team if you need to outsource the creation of projects.

Global Energy Storage Analytics Platform

GridMAP has been used in multiple countries and regions including the UK, US, Latin America, Europe & Africa for behind and in-front-of the meter projects.

By enabling you to enter project details, demand data, on-site renewable generation, any specified storage sizes and all of the other factors referred to above, GridMAP is enabling clients to quickly determine what is the best option fo their site(s) whilst also providing an effective communication channel with over 45 charts, 180 results and assumptions easy to access via our web interface.

An overview power profile image showing how generation, demand & the storage system interact over a typical day at an example site. One of the many charts & value points provided by the GridMAP system.

An overview power profile image showing how generation, demand & the storage system interact over a typical day at an example site. One of the many charts & value points provided by the GridMAP system.

In addition to the software option, you can also outsource your analytics directly to our team which may save you expensive costs of employing an analytics engineer and accessing our expertise at an affordable £90 / hour. A bargain!

Get In Touch

So, if you’re investing in energy storage and need help with analysing the potential then please get in touch at or call us on +44-1803-864706.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Commercial Director