BREEAM Compliant Energy, Power Quality & Environmental Data Monitoring Hub incl. 1 Year GridLENZ Software License


BREEAM Compliant Energy, Power Quality & Environmental Data Monitoring Hub incl. 1 Year GridLENZ Software License

from £1,874.00

The GridGEM data monitoring hub is a cost effective, easy-to-install energy & environmental data collection & communications hub that facilitates the monitoring & analysis of operational energy consumption & environmental data from any building, energy & / or environmental asset, anywhere in the World.

The data is collected in real-time, stored locally for 100% data integrity and communicated to our cloud servers for visualisation via our GridLENZ cloud software platform. This enables the end energy consuming use & / or environmental factors to be identifiable to the user, through detailed charts & analysis.

Serial Modbus Connections:
Modbus TCP / IP Connections:
6-Input Pulse Counter:
Exeption Alerts?:
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This price is to design, build & supply the monitoring hub. It does not include installation. The GridGEM data monitoring hardware can be easily installed by a competent electrical installation engineer.

Please note also that the buyer will have to supply and install any metering and this must be Modbus RS-485 compliant or provide a pulsed output.

This system will provide the ability to monitor 2 RS-485 networks, each with up to 32 meters attached plus up to 2 pulsed inputs. If you require more networks then please call us on +44-1803-864706 to ensure the design & price are correct.

The GridGEM monitoring & data communication hub will connect into your on-site energy main & sub-meters via an RS-485 “daisy-chain” , collecting data at regular intervals and then pushing the data to Argand’s cloud analytics platform via either mobile GPRS or local LAN for real-time data visualisation & analysis. Data can also be accepted via pulsed output (e.g. from water meters.)


GridEYE is deemed an appropriate energy monitoring and management system to achieve additional BREEAM credits for “ENe02 Energy Monitoring” (technical manual*, page 127.) . The system will enable 2 BREEAM credits under the section ENE 02 Energy Monitoring.

Credit 1

  • What: Sub-metering of major energy consuming systems

  • Solution: Meters accounting for ≥90% of the estimated total annual energy consumption of the building are metered to enable future connection to an energy monitoring and management system and the end energy consuming use is identifiable to the building user, for example through labelling or data outputs

Credit 2

  • What: Sub-metering of high energy load and tenancy areas.

  • Solution: An accessible energy monitoring and management system to enable future connection, covering the energy supply to all tenanted areas or, in the case of single occupancy buildings, relevant function areas or departments within the building/unit