Utility Scale Solar PV Analytics Tailored to Your Needs

Argand’s GridEYE software application will provide you with all of the data analytics that you need to run a successful investment in utility-scale solar PV. At Argand Solutions we have realised that when you invest in a significant asset like a utility-scale solar PV plant you can’t just accept the standard analytics. What you need is a partner who can listen to your requirements and then convert this into performance analytics that are specific to your needs. That’s why we have created our data services capabilities for utility scale solar PV.


SCB Performance Heat Maps

Optimising the output of your solar Pv plant depends on knowing exactly where the problems lie. Our string combiner box (SCB) heat map analysis will help you to determine exactly where the underperformance problems lie so your O&M team can quickly target and rectify issues.

Client-Specific Analytics

Our data services offering is where we work with you to develop the analytics that matter to you and deliver them in a format that you can use to directly drive your reporting and other performance functions. You’ll have the support of our developers to guarantee analytics that matter.

Asset Risk Management

Underperformance will come multiple different areas. This can be identified from numerous electrical power signals that we can collect from your site which can be assessed against “healthy” limits. The GridEYE asset risk management element will ensure that you know when these occur and enable action.